We want you to have a great flight with us – with your mask on

Updated August 5:
We take the use of cloth masks and face coverings very seriously, like we do all safety, health and well-being issues for our guests and employees.
Overwhelmingly, those who fly with us understand and appreciate the importance of wearing masks and face coverings during this time of COVID-19. We also rely heavily on our guests to do the right thing for the greater good of everyone onboard our flights.
Our flight crews encounter moments when some travelers disregard or disobey our mask requirement. It creates tension and anxiety for many of our passengers who do have their face coverings on. So, a change is needed.
Starting August 7, our flight attendants will be empowered to issue a final notice to any guest who repeatedly refuses to wear a mask or face covering on board our aircraft. With that warning – in the form of a yellow card handed to them – the guest’s travel with Alaska could be suspended immediately. That would be a decision we do not take lightly. By working together, we do more for the common good.
We take pride in our excellent customer service, a main reason so many of our guests enjoy flying with us. That stays the same,” said Ben Minicucci, Alaska’s president. “We’re counting on both our guests and employees to be considerate of one another to wear face coverings and contribute to our constant effort to keep everyone healthy and safe.”
All Alaska passengers will be required to wear a cloth mask or face covering over their nose and mouth (except for children under the age of two) – with no exceptions. Cloth masks or face coverings will be required on all flights, at ticket counters, throughout gate areas and any other location where Alaska conducts business.
Another reminder of how seriously we take our mask enforcement policy: All of our guests are asked during check-in to sign off on a required health agreement to acknowledge and attest to their willingness to adhere to the mask policy.
For guests who might forget their own mask, we will have them available upon request. Starting in July, we also began providing individual hand-sanitizer wipes on board.
We’ve recently made significant investments in enhanced cleaning procedures, hospital-grade air filtration systems and other approaches to ensure your safety throughout the travel journey.
Learn more about how we’re earning your confidence with Next-Level Care on alaskaair.com.
We realize a piece of cloth across your nose and mouth is probably not your ideal way to travel. But if we all take that small step while flying, we’ll be better off in the long run.